Monday, August 2, 2010

Stop putting yourself down!

Far too often I see girls on facebook putting themselves down. I have seen beautiful, tall, slim girls saying things such as "I need breast implants". Really? C'mon! Or the famous "DELETE" on photos. Now I must say I am guilty of this one at times... if the picture is flat out bad. Not when it's actually an OK or better than OK photo. I don't know if

A) these girls do it for the attention: "What do you mean? Implants? You have great breasts!" (haha) or "No way! It's a super good picture! You're sooooo pretty!" or

B) they actually feel that these things are true.

Either way- it sucks! We shouldn't have to be reassured that we are pretty or have a good body.. although OF COURSE it is nice to hear :) I suppose this stems from a culture over saturated with "perfect" models, celebrities, fellow facebookers, and the fact that men have this all thrown in their faces on a regular basis so we feel that we are constantly competing and that we're never good enough. The book I'm reading has touched on the competition side and I feel that it's just awful. Why aren't we just good enough? I'll say this much I know is true from taking my first course in Photoshop: magazine photos aren't real. Nobody is perfect... and perfection is objective.

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