Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"So Long, Insecurity"

I just started reading a book today called "So Long, Insecurity" by Beth Moore. I only read about 9 pages killing time before work this morning and I already cried a little. I think I am really going to like this book. I feel like too many of us women are insecure. Just one example is thinking when a relationship ends that it is somehow our fault and that the guy is so great and poor us. I hear this a lot and I have also said it and it's not the case. Unless you are a nut job... it's not your fault. I heard some talk about the book "He's Just Not That Into You" (which I read years ago) on the radio this morning and I really feel this is the case. Sometimes life is a little less complex than we think it is. I think we spend too much time analyzing things and not enough time with our minds open enough to realize it just wasn't happening. Maybe this happens in long relationships and maybe it's a little more complex than just not being into a person such as problems in the relationship or whatever it may be but I think the bottom line is if you were really into the person you would be into making it work. Maybe at one time you were and now you're just not. That's just the way life works sometimes and it hurts but that's it.

I've felt for a while that I didn't want to post anything personal or too "deep" (hah) but I have been inspired by my friend who has just started a blog about her adventures in online dating:

She's funny and more articulate than I am :) So if anyone reads this... check out her blog too!

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